Words, Gestures, and Gazes: Women Tell about other Women

a cura di Agata Polizzi

Memories become consuming nostalgia and at the same time a launching pad towards the future. All this is described through the bodies, gestures and actions of women in the work of Lina Fucà, one of the most interesting voices of contemporary art.

Unopertreugualesette is another event within the project ‘Intervallo 2019’, the second edition of the video art screening curated by Agata Polizzi for the Fondazione Sicilia. The starting point for this journey is women artists and their observations, which become a map to decrypt our contemporary times.

After Poor Poor Jerry by Rä di Martino which inaugurated the screening last June, on Monday 23rd September at 6:30 pm at Villa Zito Lina Fucà is going to meet the public for a talk. Originally from Sicily, the artist lives in Turin but still feels a very strong bond to her memories of places.

Unopertreugualesette and Ti ho pensata sempre provide at the same time a totally absorbing experience, celebration of past memories and awareness of our present times in a contemporary, intimate and universal dimension reached through a narrative that succeeds in containing common experiences too.

Lina Fucà then plunges into a dense and heterogenous matter where reality is reshaped according to two different visions. In one of them, memory stays in balance between past and present, nostalgia of a memory and joy of a new experience. In the other, the artist tells about her relationships with women of different age and social and geographical background. It is a ‘mirror’ of women referring to other women in the intertwining of bodies, cultures, movements, gestures, moments of concentration, embarrassment and cheerfulness.

An atmosphere of complicity emerges, difficult to explain without a direct experience, where women transform the artist by making her take their own appearances, unveiling intimacies they have in common, playing with cross-references so that it does not have any more sense to define the role of the narrator as opposed to what is being narrated.

As a consequence, a magic, ancestral and sacred space is outlined which becomes a code rich in visions, words and opportunities to understand our contemporary times.

‘’The capacity to interact and an analysis of women’s universe,’’ says Raffaele Bonsignore, the President of the Fondazione Sicilia, ‘‘is a key element to begin thinking about new communication modalities. In this new event within Intermezzo 2019 the storytelling of women becomes a true standpoint to understand our times.’’

It will be possible to visit Unopertreugualesette by Lina Fucà until 6th November while Intermezzo 2019 continues with two additional appointments: Elisabetta Benassi (7th November) and Gili Lavy (20th December).

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